Monday, January 2, 2012

Lizzie at 10 months

At 10 months old Lizzie is changing everyday!  She is still such a sweet, adorable girl and we all adore her!

  • She has stranger anxiety now, and prefers to be with mom or dad.
  • She cries when left with someone else, until she is distracted
  • She has 2 bottom teeth.
  • She loves her new doll, "Pinky", and gets so happy to have her.
  • She can crawl everywhere now, and pull up in her crib. She crawls all around the house, exploring and finding things to put in her mouth.
  • She loves to get attention from her older siblings.
  • She likes to be outside, even in the cold weather.
  • She loves food, and demands more food by yelling!
  • She takes 2 naps a day, and gets cranky when she doesn't get a nap.
  • She hates bottles now, she slaps them away with her hands, but she likes drinking from a sippy cup.
  • She is still not a great sleeper at night, it's our goal for 2012 to get her to sleep through the night.

Eating with her is getting to be a danger area.  She is so messy, and loves to eat by herself with her hands.  It's always fun to watch, but hard to clean up. 
The other night she got her hands on a cookie and thought she was in heaven. She chowed it down, before I could take it away! 
It is really making me sad to see her act so grown up.

I prefer to feed her dinner when she's naked and then just throw her right in the bath. 

We sure love you Lizzie!  You are such a blessing in our family!



Lizzie is adorable! Looks like you had a great Christmas!

The Marx Family said...

She is so cute Haley. Love the pics!