Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Back to School!

It's hard to believe I have a son in 3rd grade!  Taylor was really exciteed, but tried to act like it was no big deal. 
Emily is thrilled to be going to Kindergarten and will have a great year.  She has school in the afternoon, so she will walk home from school with this great group of kids.  I am sad to have in her school, she is such a great helper and she plays so well with Isaac!  He will definately miss having her around the house.

Back to school means back to schedules, and lots of things going on.  I wish we could pause time and jsut have a relaxed, mellow summer forever!  I love Taylor and Emily so much and I am so proud of both of them!

Hope it was a great day for all the kids back in school.

Today was the first day of school!  Emiy doesn'tactually start until next week, but she got out of bed for a few pictures. 

It was hard to get the kids in bed last night, because they are used to going to bed around 9 or 10 and waking up at 9!  Well all of that sleeping in stopped today, because Taylor has school at 8:25!  He leaves with his friends to walk around 8:05, so he was up early.

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