Tuesday, January 14, 2020

November 2019

Here are some pics from November; Taylor's MTB team pictures, the kids adore Salty dog and we welcomed our new cousin Milo, He is so adorable! 

Here are the kids school pictures, They are all so grown up! Danny and the kids went fishing at Jordanelle one Saturday and they had a blast! Lots of fun with Salty on the boat. 

Taylor sold his Ford Explorer and bought a new car. Lizzie had a big dance concert at the Salt Palace. She did great! She loves dancing at CDT! I had fun November lunch date with friends for our bdays! Taylor had a CT scan for a lump in his throat, but it was all ok, gratefully. 

Thanksgiving Day we had with the Shields family.
We had a terrific day and lots of delicious, wonderful food! 
We had a fun day at Classic Skating with everyone. All the kids love plating there! 

We had a great Early Thanksgiving at Katie and Adam's house. the food was great and it was lots of fun! We are so happy to have them living in Utah.

We had big snow storm over Thanksgiving weekend too! The kids love playing in the snow! 
We celebrated my 42nd birthday at Chile Tepin, with a delicious dinner! Really like that restaurant. The kids were cute and got me a new hydro flask for my really cold water, and Danny got me air pods! They are so nice, I didn't even know how to use them. We had a fun night together.  We also saw Frozen 2 and it was great! 

November was a great month! 

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