Tuesday, January 14, 2020

December stuff

We're getting ready for Christmas! Things are feeling festive and fun! Lizzie went the live nativity with her friends and saw the live camel etc... 

We had Danny's work party at our house and it was tons of fun! Danny work an ugly sweater to make it fun.  The kids had their cousin sleepover at G & G shields house and Salty likes going for walks in the cold weather. We also had our ward Christmas party it was a festive Breakfast about the Grinch theme! So much fun! 

We had Katie and Adam over for dinner one night. Taylor got the new car, and Mitsubishi, Montero from CA. It's a really nice car and its going to be great third car for our family. We spent a night at a friend's cabin for a fun time in the snow. it was so pretty up there! 

Our family had a night of service at the Utah Food Bank. We packed boxes of bread etc.. for a couple of hours. There's so much to do there, and it was great to go as a family and serve. We went to dinner and did a little shopping after. 

Emily had her Show Choir concert at the school. She sang awesome and it was a terrific concert! We had a friend breakfast and decorated gingerbread houses with the kids. 

Taylor had his Christmas Dance with his friend Savannah. They had a cool date planned and it turned out great! His group was tons of fun! 

In the middle of all the Christmas craziness Taylor decided to do his Eagle Scout project! He organized a coat drive for needy kids at East High! He had great success and got tons of coats turned in. He gathered with the help of the other YM, and his siblings over 100 really nice coats! I am so proud of him and all the hard work he did! When we delivered the coats to the school he had his picture taken with the Principal. He was super nice! 

Isaac had his holiday band concert. He plays the trumpet and does awesome! His concert was so fun! I love hearing all their festive songs. Emily had a fun christmas gift exchanged with her friends Azure and Laney. They are the cutest girls! 
We had the "Surprise Christmas Dinner" at G & G Shields house. We had a delicious dinner, gift exchange, the nativity with a real baby as Jesus, treats and tons of fun! The kids love this party and we all had a blast! It was great to have Great Grandma Shields here too. What a fun party! 

Salty Boy LOVES the snow! He goes crazy out in the snow and has SO much fun! 

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