Sunday, March 11, 2012

Our crazy week

We had another busy week, but it was great because it was full of warm weather. 

Here are a few random pics from our week.

Lizzie loves to be outside, and always wants to see the neighbors dogs.  She gets super excited when she sees a dog and then pants like a dog and says "doggie, doggie".
It is adorable!

Isaac has been taking swimming lessons for a few weeks.  At first he hated it so much!  He would cry, scream and yell.  After 6 weeks he is finally getting more comfortable and starting to improve! 

Taylor went on  neighborhod bike ride with some friends on Monday evening.  They ended their ride at the market to get Gelato.  We joined in and met them for FHE.  It was a fun night, and should become a weekly tradition.

Emily had to get a little orthodontic work done this week.  Here she is with her mouth wide open!

Elizabeth continues to insist on feeding herself.  This makes for a  nightly disaster, followed by a bath.  She loved her sweet potatoes. 

We had some fun afternoons at the park and playing in the yard.

Taylor did a picture of him on the fat face App. He looks so hilarious, we all laughed really hard!  He is the complete opposite of fat, and really is just skin & bones.

We are hoping Spring is near!

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