Saturday, March 10, 2012

Happy 4th Birthday Isaac!!!

Today Isaac is turning 4 years old!

Isaac has brought a lot of joy, energy, fun to our family as well as a lot of frustration.  Isaac (AKA Spike or Banks) has an adorable smile and an ability to make me laugh all day.  He has a great imagination and loves to play pretend, usually army guys, or jets. As much fun as he can be, he has not control over his emotions and gets really mad when things don't go his way.  He is super defiant, a great negotiator and strong willed. 
I can only hope that these attributes will serve him well when he is an adult. 
Here are some things about Isaac:
He is obsessed with Legos right now, he loves to play them especially with Danny & Taylor.
He loves school and asks to go to school everyday.

He is taking swimming lessons, and is barely starting to enjoy his classes. He cried the first few weeks.

He loves to go to our next door neighbors house and play with all of their cool toys.  They have no kids his age, and are really sweet to invite him over.

He loves to be outside playing sports, riding his bike, jumping on the tramp, or following the older kids around.

He is still obsessed with all army stuff.

Isaac is the first kid awake in the morning, and always wants breakfast right away.

He loves Macaroni and Cheese, Pirate Booty, cucumbers, all fruit and GoGurts -he asks for them everyday.

Little buddy does not take naps anymore, but somedays he gets too tired and falls asleep in the car, or on the "Timeout" chair.   When he saw this picture, he denied being asleep.  He said he was just resting his head! HA HA

He tries my patience every single day, but he makes me laugh too!

We love you Isaac, Happy Birthday!

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