Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Catching Up

We have had a busy month with the kids back in school. The kids are happy and busy with all their activities. Taylor's soccer seasonjust began , and he just started Cub Scouts, Emily is doing dance again, and Isaac is spending a lot of time playing by himself (which is good for him)!
Danny and I celebrated our 11th Anniversary on Sept. 2nd. Marrying Danny was one of the best decision I made, and I have been happy for the past 11 years. He is a wonderful spouse, father and my best friends. Love you honey!
We actually celebrated a couple weeks early with a fun night away to Park City.

We went to "The Music of Led Zepelin" performed by the Utah Symphony at Deer Valley. It was a gorgeous summer evening, and we packed a picnic dinner and had a fun evening. We stayed at the Marriott Summit Lodge and slep in until 10am, it felt so good!
Thanks to mom and dad for watching the kids overnight.

In other news we are expecting baby #4 in March! We are so excited to have a new addition to our family. I have been feeling sick all summer and have had NO energy! I am due on March 10th, which is Isaac's Birthday. I am 15 weeks along and am starting to feel a little better, so hopefully the time will go by quicly!


Katie said...

Congratulations!! I'm so excited for you! And how fun that it's due on Isaac's birthday! It's always such a huge relief to get past the first trimester. A mom of 3 needs her energy!

Brittany said...

Congratulations! Ha ha! My mom guessed it! I am so happy for you and Danny and I hope you have the rest of the pregnancy easy.

Julia said...

Wow! Congrats to you guys! The best thing about your kids birthdays being so close is that you can do a 2-in-1 party until they are old enough to object!

Nate and Julie said...

Congrats! That's so exciting! I remember going to see Taylor in the hospital after he was born. I can't believe you will have 4 kids already! So exciting!

Jessica F. said...

What great news! You have such cute kids, I am sure #4 will follow suite! CONGRATULATIONS!

Hema and Becky said...

Hooray!! How fun to be due the same time as your sister too! Congrats!

dani said...

congrats haley! that's so exciting:)

The Marx Family said...

Congratulations on baby #4!! How exciting.

Can you believe we have been married 11 years? Crazy! Happy Anniversary!

Monica said...

Hooray! Great announcement! We are excited for you guys! Cute pics on the side bar!