Saturday, October 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Emily!

Today is Emily's 4th Birthday!
I was thinking about the day Emily was born and it was a special day in October 4 years ago. The time has flown by so quickly and I am a little sad to see her getting grown up already. We didn't find out whether she was a boy or a girl, so her birth was such a thrill. I remember really wanting a girl, but not planning on a girl, because I didn't want to be disappointed. I was induced a few days after my due date and after several hours of labor and she was born at 3:10pm. Her birth had a few complications so everyone in the room was focused on her breathing etc.. Finally I asked " What is it" and then Dr. Jonoes said "Oh, it's a GIRL!" I just starting crying, because I was so excited! She was a good baby, but a little stubborn from birth. She is turning into such a sweet, fun loving little girl.
There are so many things I love about her, but here are few things we love about Emily.
She is the first child awake everyday. She never sleeps in, unless she is sick. I love how she comes into our bed around 7am and snuggles in between Danny and I every morning. It's a good way to start the day. She usually lays there for a few minutes and then insists on eating breakfast.

She is a fantastic sister to her two brothers. She is usually unselfish and willing to share with either of them. She is a good helper for Isaac and loves to play games with him. Plus she gives great hugs and kisses.

Emily LOVES to eat! She must have inherited this from me, because I am the same way. She has always been a great eater liking all "kid" food; mac 'n cheese, cereal, fries, crackers, and and junk food. But some of her favorites are "adult" foods like; hummus and pita, broccoli and dip, shrimp, edamame, salad, chips and salsa, artichokes and all fruit. She is always willing and ready for a meal or a snack.

Finally, she is such a girly girl. She is so dedicated to her dresses, skirts, tu tu's, tights, high heeled shoes, makeup, jewlery, headbands, lip gloss, nail polish, and all princess attire. Sometimes this drives me crazy, because it's really impractical. But she loves to feel beautiful everyday, no matter where we are going. I just wonder when she will grow out of this stage, but for now it's cute.
We are celebrating her B-day tomorrow so I will post pictures from her B-day party.
We are so happy you are in our family. We love you Emily!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We love Emily too! Hooray for Girly girls...we have a house full of them!