Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Summer is in full force around here! Swimming, late nights, games with cousins, water parks, fun with the new dog, etc... We've had a good summer and have had lots going on. Isaac did an advanced diving class and he did awesome! We had cousins here to play a lot and we went to Cherry Hill Water park with friends. It ended up being super cold and windy but we had fun still. 

Taylor had the life changing experience to attend the
WorldWide Boy Scout Jamboree in West Virginia. He was gone for 2 weeks and he loved every second of it! He slept in a tent with his friend Oliver and took freezing cold showers too.
The biked, skateboarded, river rafting, repelling, zip lining, hiking etc.. There was 152 countries in attendance with 45,000 people . Half to the scouts were girls! He made great friends, had an amazing experience and learned a lot. 

We had our end of summer neighborhood celebration! The bouncy slide is always a hit! the kids played hard for 12 or more hours staying outside all day long!  It's such a fun day, but it's exhausting too! We love our neighbors and have many good friends here. 

We have been working on remodeling our house all summer long! It's slowly starting to make a little progress.
Danny, Taylor and Emily went to Flaming Gorge with the youth for ward youth conference. They had tons of fun!
the kids went on a ride in the Randall's convertible to get gelato, what a hit! Salty is still a great dog and the kids really love him. 

We went hiking at Cecret Lake with cousins one afternoon. The weather and scenery there is so amazing!  We love seeing the wildflowers and seeing where we ski in the winter. It's the best!

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