Sunday, March 31, 2019

Lizzie had her CDT dance recital this week! She was SO exited about it all! They rehearse all week longer and then perform 5 times at the Capitol Theater! Lizzie was thrilled with it all but she got really tired and worn out and then she got a cold. It was exhausting to her! But she rallied and did great! I love her enthusiasm on the stage! 

Taylor has had a sinus infection for 2 months, so lots of antibiotics for him. We had a big family dinner here last week. Derek and Manisha were here and Grandma Shields too! We had a blast! Isaac went to a surf place with his friend for a bday party! Emily went all out for her Spirit week at school! 

Cute Alli was baptized! She and Lizzie are a week apart, and they are little besties! 

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