Sunday, November 4, 2018

The week of HALLOWEEN always seems like a busy time.  Full of lots of fun but kind of crazy too!
Halloween Day the kids were up and ready to go. We headed to the school to see them in their parade. and then I stayed in the classrooms to help with Isaacs class party. It was fun and the kids are really great!
Lizzie had a costume day at her dance class.
I got to spend some time with Jane & Lauren and the kids looked terrific in their costumes! 

Halloween night we had our neighborhood halloween soup party and then went out to Trick or Treat! It wasn't too cold and the kids had a blast running around the neighborhoods getting lots of candy! 

The next day was busy because I was in charge of Taylor's East High Mountain Bike Team party to celebrate the end of the season! It was for 125 people at our church. I spent the day getting supplies, balloons and setting up. It was a fun night and the kids all seemed to enjoy it! 

Saturday we tried out a pump bike park in downtown SLC the kids had a blast riding these jumps and going fast on their bikes.
 We are definitely a biking family. I thing we may own too many bikes! 

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