Monday, November 14, 2016

November begins...

We've had a beautiful, warm sunny fall. This is the view off of the balcony. 

Taylor invited a few friends over for an after school snack last week. It ended up being 16 guys at our hose after school or food and drinks. It was fun and crazy! He has a great group of friends and I am happy to have them over. 

Lizzie was the star of the week last week. She made this poster and was really excited about it! I love kindergarten because she gets so excited about everything!

I took Lizzie and a group of friends to the park one warm day last week. It was a gorgeous day, and they had fun running around and playing in the leaves etc... 

Baby Jane went to Canada to see G & G Shields this week. 

We enjoyed Saturday afternoon at Red Butte Garden last weekend. It was SO warm and a gorgeous day to be outside. 

Sunday afternoon we made our Christmas advent calendar out of our Christmas calendars. The kids love this tradition and it's a great way to use all the Halloween candy.
Onto the rest of November!  

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