Friday, June 10, 2011


Summer is finally here!  This week Taylor got out of school for summer break and the weather had finally warmed up so it actually feels like summertime!

This swimming suit was Emily's and it is so cute on Lizzie!  I had to let her wear it before she grows out of it.  She is growing so fast and doing new things everyday. 

I  absoutely love her chubby arms, neck and legs.  I discovered that she is really ticklish on her tummy and chest and she laughs out loud when tickled.  She such a sweet, adorable girl, we can't get enough of her!

Summertime on our street means lots and lots of time outside with friends and neighbors.  This means living in your swimming suit and doing water fights, riding bikes, running through sprinklers, eating endless popsicles,  jumping on the tramp and begging to play night games.  And it's only been three days of summer! 
We are planning on having a fantastic summer! We can't wait!

This little guy is having some sort of identity crisis.  He refers to himself as "a baby puppy" and insists that he's
not a big boy and that makes it okay to not be potty trained!  Plus he is the most stubborn and strong willed of all our kids, which mean's sometimes he is completely unmanageable!

  He sure says some of the funniest/cutest things:

He told me "I wish Janet (our neighbor) was my uncle, she is so nice."  Then proceeded to tell me that he likes uncles better than aunts. This must be why he calls Natalie, "Uncle Nat"

When he goes to the bathroom he notifies me by saying
"I have a brown thing on me!"

He loves chasing and birds in our backyard and he tries to catch them. I told him that the birds fly away because they are scared of humans.  He said " I am not a human I am a creature!" 

That pretty much sums up Isaaac right now, he is definately a creature! Oh how we love our creature/puppy!

These pictures are too funny! Last week dad fell asleep after dinner and Colton was trying to put a flower in his hand while he slept.  I took a few pics. because it was so funny!  While I was taking picture my camera screen read "Blink eye detected!"  Blink eye nothing, he was dead asleep!

Here's a great pose by Colton, that I couldn't resist! Can you believe he's been home from his year for a year already?  Wow- time flies!

So we had a terrific week, and are looking forward to a wonderful and fun summer break!

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