Sunday, June 9, 2019

We had a lot going on this week. Started Sunday night at Seminary graduation for Taylor. He completed his D & C Certificate this year at seminary. He didn't love his teacher this year, so it was a bit of a struggle. So proud of him! 
We've had SO much rain this spring. Which means lots of night with beautiful rainbows outside. 

The kids had their last day of school! Everyone was so excited!
Here are a few pics. 

The very first day of summer we headed to Lagoon!  We partied hard all day long and were so tired. But it was a great day to go, not too hot, and no lines! Lizzie tried all the big rides for her first time and she did great!!! We had a blast. Taylor was at work, so he didn't come. 

Taylor raced in a MTB race in Round Valley this week. He did awesome! He's getting really good at racing. 

We are in the middle of a giant remodel at our house!
It's overwhelming, stressful but hopefully worth it later! 

Emily got her first phone this week! She has been very patient waiting to get a phone and was thrilled to go to the Verizon store! Lots of rules and restrictions, but she's happy to have one to text her friends. 

Ryan and Taylor at Sem Grad.
Summer is here! 

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