Sunday, May 31, 2015

Danny and I went camping this weekend to celebrate his birthday.
We went to the San Rafael Swell in central Utah.
It was an amazing place to see and so, so gorgeous!

We camped right on the rim of the "Little Grand Canyon". It was scary how close to the edge of the cliff we were camping. We left the kid at grandma's which  was good because it would be stressful camping there with kids. The scenery was spectacular!
Red rocks, high cliffs, and beautiful clouds. 

We left Friday afternoon, got to the site, set up camp and hiked around a bit. We made a fire, ate dinner, and relaxed.
There was an amazing sunset that night. 

Saturday we slept in, and then went on a bike ride. The trail follows the rim of the canyon, and it was a really cool trail. Rocky and a little scary in parts, but really fun. We saw cool cactuses, animals and saw other parts of the gigantic canyon. 

We packed up camp later in the day and then drove around to see a few other things including these cool indian drawings on the rocks.
It was a wonderful, fun weekend and a perfect way to celebrate Danny's 39th birthday!
Happy Birthday Danny, Love you!

Here's some pictures from our Memorial Day. 

Memorial Day Fun! 

Bday celebration pics!

Lizzie grew out of her Balance bike, so we got out emily's bike, put the training wheels on and off she went. Hopefully she'll be riding with out training wheels soon. 

We spent an afternoon the pool on Memorial Day with friends. We have a pool membership this year and are hoping on having Lots of pool days.
We had a BBQ at G & G Shields house for May birthdays.
May birthdays are Danny, Monica & Richie.
The kids all took turns licking the ice cream beater, it was lemon ice cream, yummy!
Lizzie and her friend dressing up were hilarious. 

Emily brought home all of her art from school. She is talented at art and had some really cool projects. 

Taylor had a school play this week. They performed "Honk" which is the story of the Ugly Duckling.
He sang and did a great job. Lizzie loves all of his friend and they all wanted her in their pictures. 

Isaac had the cutest "Seasons" program at school this week.
His class had learned poems and songs about Spring.
They also sang "The Cat Came Back" which is a family favorite from 30 years ago when I was at Uintah. He's a cute little 7 year old!

This is the last week of School!
We're ready and happy about summer!

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