Friday, March 13, 2015

This was a fun week, to celebrate Isaac's birthday!
We also had a little Dr. visit for her arm. She fell at the playground at school in the ice, and hurt her arm. I wasn't sure if it was broken or not, so we just went to the Dr. to get an Xray. Turns out it wasn't broken just a sprain. 

Isaac is officially 7 - he was happy to have his bday! He wanted waffles, with berries and nutella for breakfast.
He got new shoes and a microscope for his Bday. The microscope was a huge hit, he loves looking at bugs etc.. with it!
Happy Birthday to him!

Here's some pictures of the bug that he looks at. 

Here's a picture of Lizzie and her friend in their fort! They made this and and played in it. They are such cute little girls. 

Emily had to do a "How To" presentation for school. She chose to make cookies and give the demonstration about making cookies. She made these all by herself. they turned out really well. 

Here's the cookies -she's a cook!

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