Sunday, May 18, 2014

 This week had beautiful, warm weather. We decided to go to the zoo before it gets too hot and too crowded in the summer. They just opened the new Lion Exhibit, so we wanted to see that too.
Emily wanted to come and Isaac had no school this week (because of Kindergarten assesments) So I pulled Em out of school and we had a fun day at the zoo with cousins!


The kids had lots of fun seeing all the animals, and we wore them all out. They were hot and tired by the time we left.

When we got home the cement work for our new garage was being poured. It was an exciting afternoon watching the cement mixers come and pump all the concrete to our backyard.  Danny is building a wood shop in the back yard. It's an exciting project!

Emily has been going ot Activity Days every other Friday. Last week they planted a garden. She has lots of fun at these activities with her cute friends.

Lizzie likes to chow down on oranges at all the Saturday Soccer games.

Our cute neighbor was having a garden party Sat. night. They were making these cute flower headbands. She invited Lizzie over to make one before the party started. Lizzie loves going to see "Carla" her name is Clara, and she's 15 but Lizzie calls her "Carla".
She was so happy with her flower hearband, she took it to bed with her.

Only 10 more days of school! Summer will be here before we know it!

1 comment:

Monica said...

the zoo was fun! lets go again on members nights!